Nanny, not a Sitter

It used to never bother me that people would call a nanny a babysitter. But, after working as a nanny for a few years, that has changed.

Nannies are very different than sitters. Sitters may have a relationship with the family, but the connection is not the same. Nannies don't just have a connection with the family, they have to become family. They don't just know the kids, they know the family. Sitters come and play with the kids for a few hours here and there. Nannies are there anywhere from once a week, to living in the home all hours of a week. And, just like moms, even after they leave, the kids are still always on their minds. They worry about whether they handled a situation properly with the kids. They think about what they can do with the kids the next day they are with them. They wonder what they could have done better, and they think about how they can do better next time.

A babysitter is temporary. A nanny is there to be a mom's hands, feet and heart while the mom cannot be there. Which means, finding ways to capture moments and memories so you can share them with the parents. It also means finding ways to help the parents out so that when they get home they can enjoy the time left in the day with their kids. Your job is to help them to leave work at work when they come home. It also means snuggling their babies when they are sick, just like they would do if they could. It means reading them books, and knowing which ones are their favorites. It means learning about what they love, and learning to love it too. It's easing a mom's mind about leaving her kids for the day, because it's already hard enough for her to leave them. It's about caring the way a parent would, yet they must be careful to leave the place of parent to the parents themselves.

Nannies don't just care about the hours they spend with the kids while they are at work. They care about the moments they aren't there for. The first steps they missed, the birthday parties they couldn't be at, the family outings the kids tell them about. They love being a part of the kids growing and changing. Watching their interests change, and seeing the excitement in their eyes as they talk about their things they love. They care so much that when they are at home, they spend time learning more about those interests. They hum children's tv show themes, they research minecraft building guides, they find new motor-skills building activities to try. A nanny never leaves their work, because it's not just work; it's relationships. Being a nanny is a full time job, no matter how many hours a week you work. And despite what some may say, it IS a "real job".

Nannies are warriors. In everything from potty training to being the knight in shining armor to your princess.
Nannies are teachers. From ABC's to science experiments.
Nannies are patient. Whether it's a long day of endless timeouts, or playing the same game with a child every day, and acting like it's just as exciting as the first time you played it with them.
Nannies are energetic. Even if they didn't get any sleep the night before, or they have spent 40 hours that week chasing kids at top speed, they must give it there all.
Nannies are flexible. Life with kids is never predictable, so you have to be prepared for anything.
Nannies are understanding. Whether it's empathizing with the parents or getting down to the root of what's bothering a child.
Nannies are respectful. They don't always agree with the parents, but the parent's wishes are of the utmost value to a nanny.
Nannies are funny. Kids say the darn-dist things, and it's important to find humor in the little things. It's also fun to make them laugh and to laugh at their jokes, whether they are funny or not.
Nannies are creative. Everything from arts and crafts and fort building to using your imagination in pretend you are a ninja, that trees are houses for fairies, or dressing up like princesses. It's so important to be creative with kids.
Nannies are comforters. Kissing the "owies" to snuggling a teething baby. Comfort is essential.
Nannies are adventurers. Nerf wars to exploring new places.
Nannies are planners. From the day to day to trips to the zoo.
Nannies are care givers. No matter what care needs to be given. Sometimes it's full of joy, sometimes it so hard, but it's always worth it.

To sum it up, Nannies are family. With all it's imperfections and unconditional love. 


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