Why We Should Stop Worrying About Kids At The Border

Don't let this headline fool you. Yes, I do care about what is happening down there. However, I have not personally seen with my own eyes what is happening, and I refuse to blindly believe what I'm being told by the media. So, I don't know how bad the situation may or may not be. Whatever it is, I do believe that families are being separated (whether there may be cause or not is not my point).  That simple fact breaks my heart.

Now, onto why we shouldn't be worrying about this.

We too often focus on what the media (social or “news”) has to say, and we jump to our agendas and worry about this and that, and then when that slowly dies down, we jump onto the next thing. Never having made any REAL difference. Sometimes they change a law, or pass a bill, but 9/10 of the time, that never really changes anything other than our own feelings like we ‘helped’. The fact is it's never going to change, that is, unless we change.

We can't keep worrying about what is outside of our control. If we do that, we worry about things we cannot change. There is a famous saying that says, “Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” (Reinhold Niebuhr). We need to stop focusing on what is out of our hands to change, and focus on what we can change. There is another famous saying that says, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (unknown). We cannot always change the bigger things, and focusing so much on what makes us mad does not help. So, instead of being mad, change the little things.

We MUST start where we are. If we do not use our strengths and abilities to FIRST start with what is around us, in our own communities, then we will NEVER be able to change what is beyond our reach.

Yes, we could try and make what is out of our reach, within our reach. But if we are not going to do that, then we must stop ranting about it. Ranting does NOTHING for anyone. Actions have always spoken louder than words, so what are your actions saying? If you can't change what's beyond your reach, take action in what is within your reach.

When was the last time you worried about the families in your own community being separated, or the random person broken down on the side of the road, or those who dont have a roof over their head tonight? When was the last time you did something about it? And km not talking about “I sent a Christmas present to a child in foster care 2 years ago”. I'm talking about doing something life changing! If you are one of the few who does something, good for you, keep going! I know it may be hard, but it's worth it! If you aren't one of those few people, then learn from them.

If we all took care of what was right in front of us, we can build a chain reaction to those who can actually reach the things that are out of our reach. It is the ONLY way we will be able to make a real difference. Stop listening to the media, stop ranting, stop bashing people, and start. Start speaking encouragement, start making a real difference, start supporting those who need supported, so they can start to change and be able to turn around and support those around them. Start the chain reaction.


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