
Showing posts from July, 2020

Honest Feelings From A Foster Parent

As foster parents, or often as parents in general, we have such a strong desire to fight for our kids. We do everything we can for them. Whether it's dentist appointments, doctor's appointments, School, extracurricular activities, therapy, play dates, summer camp, or anything else along those lines, we do it. If we have to advocate for them, we advocate loudly. We stand firm, oftentimes we advocate more for them than we do for ourselves. We see their hurt and their pain, and we do everything in our power to try and take it away from them. We would rather feel the hurt and pain ourselves than see our kids live and walk through it. When you take a child in who has been through more hurt, pain, loss and suffering than the average adult, and you start a journey of healing with them, you never quite know what will surface. That hurt, that pain, and that abuse and or neglect will come out in so many different ways. It will come out in aggression, violence, self-hatred and self de...