Why You Should Never Ask Your Young Married Friends When They Are Having Kids
Many of you might have read this title and gone, "I never knew there was anything wrong with that." The truth is, before being married, neither did I. No, I never really asked that question before, unless it was one of my close friends, but the truth is that I thought it all the time. "Oh, they've been married for 6 months, I wonder if she is pregnant yet?" Growing up in the Christian culture, and more so in the home-school culture, it's almost expected that you get married young and have kids right off. If you don't do that, then you are the odd one out. I cannot tell you how many of my friends got married at 19 and had a honeymoon baby. Or, maybe they got married right after college and waited 6 months before getting pregnant. Either way, when I was younger, the couples who got married at 23 and waited 4 years before having kids seemed odd. The truth is, I nenver realized how many people asked young couples, "when are you were having kid...